
【Part1. 填寫線上表單】Part1. Fill Out Online Form

※此部分答案並不影響評選分數,請依實際狀況回答即可 This part won’t affect the final evaluation, please answer the following questions as honestly as possible.
一、產品/服務基本資料 Product/ Service
請填寫貴團隊的產品/服務名稱 Please write down your product/ service name.
官網/粉絲頁等皆可,若無則填無。Official website/ Fanpage. If there are none, please write none.
二、 公司基本資料 Company
如尚未成立,請填寫「無」If you haven’t established a company, please write none.
例如:2017/10/11,如尚未成立,請填寫「1/1/1911」e.g. 10/11/2017. If you haven’t established a company, please write 「1/1/1911」.
如尚未成立,請填寫「無」If you haven’t established a company, please write none.
申請文件與後續公告將以此欄為主 Application documents and following announcements will be based on this.
申請文件與後續公告將以此欄為主 Application documents and following announcements will be based on this.
申請文件與後續公告將以此欄為主 Application documents and following announcements will be based on this.
申請文件與後續公告將以此欄為主 Application documents and following announcements will be based on this.
三、進駐台大車庫需求 NTU Garage

※本中心將提供台大車庫進駐團隊工作空間使用權,詳細使用規範將於正式進駐後另行公告This part won’t affect the final evaluation, please answer the following questions as honestly as possible.

【Part2. 問卷調查 】Part2. Survey

※此部分答案並不影響評選分數,請依實際狀況回答即可 This part won’t affect the final evaluation, please answer the following questions as honestly as possible.

【Part‭.‬3‭ ‬上傳產品營運計畫與團隊介紹 】Part3. Upload Operation Plan and Team Introduction

Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
    1. 本份文件題目較多,且為有關產品營運及團隊介紹等重要內容,建議先行下載,充分準備後再填寫、上傳。The file includes a lot of questions. Please download it first and upload it after completion.
    2. 請以PDF格式上傳檔案,以避免檔案格式有誤。頁數10頁以內。Please upload the file in PDF format in case of format errors. (Maximum: 10 pages)
    3. 相關問題請來信 ntutec_garage@ntutec.com。 If you have any questions, please contact us via the following email ntutec_garage@ntutec.com.


【Part1. 填寫線上資料】Part1. Fill Out Online Form

※此部分答案並不影響評選分數,請依實際狀況回答即可 This part won’t affect the final evaluation, please answer the following questions as honestly as possible.
一、產品/服務基本資料 Product/ Service
請填寫貴團隊的產品/服務名稱 Please write down your product/ service name.
官網/粉絲頁等皆可,若無則填無。Official website/ Fanpage. If there are none, please write none.
二、 公司基本資料 Company
如尚未成立,請填寫「無」If you haven’t established a company, please write none.
請已經成立公司的新創團隊填寫,例如:12/25/2020。如尚未成立,請填寫「1/1/1911」。 e.g. 12/25/2020. If you haven’t established a company, please write "1/1/1911".
請填寫阿拉伯數字。 如尚未成立,請填寫「無」If you haven’t established a company, please write none.
申請文件與後續公告將以此欄為主 Application documents and our following announcements will be based on this.
申請文件與後續公告將以此欄為主 Application documents and our following announcements will be based on this.
申請文件與後續公告將以此欄為主 Application documents and our following announcements will be based on this.
申請文件與後續公告將以此欄為主 Application documents and our following announcements will be based on this.

【Part‭.‬2 ‬上傳產品營運計畫與團隊介紹 】Part2. Upload Operation Plan and Team Introduction

Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
    1. 1. 本份文件題目較多,且為有關產品營運及團隊介紹等重要內容,建議先行下載,充分準備後再填寫、上傳。 The file includes a lot of questions. Please download it first and upload it after completion.
    2. 2. 請以PDF格式上傳檔案,以避免檔案格式有誤。頁數10頁以內。Please upload the file in PDF format in case of format errors. (Maximum: 10 pages)
    3. 3. 相關問題請來信 ntutec_garage@ntutec.com。If you have any questions, please contact us via the following email: ntutec_garage@ntutec.com.


【Part1. 填寫線上資料】Part1. Fill Out Online Form

※此部分答案並不影響評選分數,請依實際狀況回答即可 This part won’t affect the final evaluation, please answer the following questions as honestly as possible.
一、產品/服務基本資料 Product/ Service
請填寫貴團隊的產品/服務名稱 Please write down your product/ service name.
官網/粉絲頁等皆可,若無則填無。Official website/ Fanpage. If there are none, please write none.
二、 公司基本資料 Company
如尚未成立,請填寫「無」If you haven’t established a company, please write none.
請已經成立公司的新創團隊填寫,例如:12/25/2020。如尚未成立,請填寫「1/1/1911」。 e.g. 12/25/2020. If you haven’t established a company, please write "1/1/1911".
請填寫阿拉伯數字。 如尚未成立,請填寫「無」If you haven’t established a company, please write none.
申請文件與後續公告將以此欄為主 Application documents and our following announcements will be based on this.
申請文件與後續公告將以此欄為主 Application documents and our following announcements will be based on this.
申請文件與後續公告將以此欄為主 Application documents and our following announcements will be based on this.
申請文件與後續公告將以此欄為主 Application documents and our following announcements will be based on this.

【Part‭.‬2 ‬上傳產品營運計畫與團隊介紹 】Part2. Upload Operation Plan and Team Introduction

Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
    1. 本份文件題目較多,且為有關產品營運及團隊介紹等重要內容,建議先行下載,充分準備後再填寫、上傳。 The file includes a lot of questions. Please download it first and upload it after completion.
    2. 請以PDF格式上傳檔案,以避免檔案格式有誤。頁數10頁以內。Please upload the file in PDF format in case of format errors. (Maximum: 10 pages)
    3. 相關問題請來信 ntutec_garage@ntutec.com。If you have any questions, please contact us via the following email: ntutec_garage@ntutec.com.