NTU Corporate Accelerator Program is designed for startups with ready-made products or prototypes in seeking collaboration with corporates to validate client needs and their business models. With market-ready resources, we provide startups with in-depth mentoring, business resources, and opportunities to achieve large-scale production. This six-month accelerator program is now calling for startups founded for less than seven years -before or after their A round series- who have built a functional product prototype and are ready to validate their business model and further expand their market presence.
NTU Corporate Accelerator Program
It's time to rapidly scale up and validate your startup with our NTU Corporate Accelerator Program.
Together with individual mentors and senior executives, TEC supports startups through tailor-made mentorship and resources based on their market development plan. The program provides startups with personalized and practical mentoring in line with their long term growth strategy and the real market needs. Besides, the program will launch courses around qualitative and quantitative validation techniques to help startups know their customers and the market better.
Successful applicants will have the opportunity to pitch their ideas to the project decision-makers of our collaborated corporate monthly. TEC supports our startups to build ready-for-validation proposals from scratch. Furthermore, we bring together corporate projects and resources to test your assumptions and boost development progress.
TEC connects startups with potential key clients and investors. We offer extensive resources generously shared by our mentors and partnered corporates, corporate collaboration opportunities that bring future funds, exposure-boosting and connecting events, as well as a supportive alumni community. More importantly, we fully support our startups’ essential market validation – and we believe this is the key to finding new clients and funds.
We create channels for our startups to connect with other teams and founders from our program. As you attend courses, workshops and exhibitions, you will work with other teams, your comrades-to-be, to fight the battle together.
The key enabler of corporate-startup partnership
Finding the right manager/contact is the good start.
Have a great corporate partnership idea but don’t know where to start? TEC works with corporate executives to strategically remove the hurdles and enable direct access to the project decision-makers. Your proposition will be heard by the right person, increasing the chances of project kick-offs, scaling and influencing.
We listen to expectations and needs from both sides to ensure smooth communications.
Project progressing slower than expected? TEC check-in on corporate-startup project status every month to figure out what slows down the progress or lift collaboration barriers. We also hold monthly face-to-face trilateral meetings (TEC, startup team and partnered corporate) to expedite the project.
Understand how corporate decisions are made to develop hard power
Diving into an unfamiliar career field is never easy. Wish to venture into industry verticals but clueless about how to begin? TEC’s partnered corporate executives share significant hands-on experiences over the decades with our startups. As the project progresses, newbies and experienced founders alike will gain insights on industry know-how, corporate decision chain, and tips of working with other corporates.
Based on their corporate management expertise, our mentors provide tailored guidance whenever needed.
Never get what the partnered corporate has in mind? Experienced in the startup industry, TEC mentors are a group of corporate executives who knows large corporates the best. With dedicated guidance from our mentor, you will acquire a firm grasp of the situations and develop useful negotiation skills.

By working with corporate partners, I learned to adjust product development to fit the corporate's needs. At the same time, I also gained industry insights that helped me formulate our marketing entry strategy.

The corporates not only provided an environment for validation but also introduced industry chain resources. Consequently, with the industry ecosystem the corporate mapped out, both sides benefited from the process during the POC.

With the mentors' expertise and experiences, our team identified our blind spots and took fewer wrong paths. The program includes powerful resources such as corporate partnerships, market validation, media exposure, and investor access. We also learned from our fellow startup teams. These valuable takeaways will lead us through the darkest valley, going from 0 to 1.

Cloud Yun
The monthly CEO updates gathering was a great opportunity to exchange ideas with the other teams, reflect on our problems, and stimulate new ideas. Furthermore, the most helpful part was to work directly with corporates, brainstorming project structures, and models. The CEO and project manager of TEC also provided advice, helped us narrowed down, came up with conclusions, and followed up throughout the journey. Bilateral collaboration with corporates has brought us traffic and revenue, helped us optimize the process, and developed long term partnerships.
Taidah Entrepreneurship Center (TEC)
NTU has enormous entrepreneurial talents and innovation capacity. Our goal is to, focusing on entrepreneurship, build a service platform dedicated to startups – a platform not only for holding creative entrepreneurial events, and fostering community integration but also for establishing a comprehensive startup ecosystem.
We wish to offer the mentoring resources startup teams need, help them to execute their creativity and innovative ideas, and further validate their product or service. By assisting startups overcoming challenges, we aim to enhance the younger generation’s diversity, execution capability and social impact.